Monday 6 May 2019


Welcome to the new session of 2019-20.
with compulsory Board for class X started in 2017-18, students appearing in 2019-20 Class X board examination have 2 years of experience and material available to them. The fear of unknown may have lessened a bit, but anxiety is completely justified. This would be the first time you would be appearing for an external examination. 
Preparation, thorough preparation is the only guarantee to success & the only strategy that can lessen your fears.

Though Biology would be a small part of your syllabus, approximately 1/3rd of science; but on an average 28-30 marks out of 80 of your science exam are from Bio portion.
Interestingly it is comparatively easier to score compared to Physics & Chemistry. It has been my experience that my students find it easier to comprehend & practice. Or may be I'm a good teacher 😉😇 
It would be my attempt in this year to cover the following lessons from class X Biology portion systematically & sequentially:

Chapter 6 Life Processes 

Chapter 7 Control & Coordination

Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce

Chapter 9  Heredity & Evolution

Chapter 10 Our Environment

The strategy in each of the lessons would be:
  • Divide the lesson in to specific 3-4 topics based on NCERT book. (we'll strictly keep NCERT as the base)
  • A pre test would be uploaded on each topic on  weekly basis. The pretest would be a small objective type test of 15-20 questions.
  • Prior to attempting pretest, you must read the pages on which the pretest is based. (the page numbers would be specified at the beginning of pretest).
  • Reading of NCERT books thoroughly, line by line, is absolutely must. The pretest is to ensure that. Hence I insist on reading. 
  • By class X, each one of you have sufficiently developed reading skills. the role of teachers should only be to :
Guide your learning
Clear Doubts if any
Provide Practice problems
  • Next, I shall be uploading study material on the Topic. It'll have diagrams form NCERT, which you should draw & label.
  • The study material would also have some retrieval questions which will help you to check your understanding.
  • It is suggested that you can make Flash Cards, the flash cards can be assigned in to 3 groups:
  • Gp 1 Material that you've become completely comfortable with.
  • Gp 2 Material  you would need to rewise again
  • Gp 3material you have doubts about or are totally unfamiliar with
  • the gp 1 flash cards need to be revised after 4 days, gp 2 flash cards after 2 days, and gp 3 flash cards the next day.
  • you can change the card gp based on your retention during revisions.
  • Finally at the end of week an assignment would be given with value points based on CBSE pattern. You can solve the assignments and assess the same based on value points provided a day later.
  • Finally to ensure proper benefit, a time schedule is essential. a half hour of undistracted & focused follow up should be sufficient. however some may need more or less time. I'll let you be the judge of that.
So we start with Chapter 6: Life Processes.

The chapter would comprise of the following sub parts:
  • Introduction
  • Nutrition
  • Respiration
  • Transport
  • Excretion
Get set 👍👍 wish you all the very Best

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