Showing posts with label Principle of Inheritance & Variation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Principle of Inheritance & Variation. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Part II): Pretest

Here are some questions based on pages 75-78 of Chapter 5 of Class 12 NCERT Bio Book. Prior to the topic 5.3 "Inheritance of two genes". 
A thorough reading of the above pages is an absolute must before starting to answer these questions. Take time to read, then start solving. do NOT refer book if you are not able to answer 1 or two questions. if you are not able to answer 3 in continuity, close the copy and read the pages once again.
These pretests are based on a wonderful technique of learning based on Neuroscientific Research:
The technique of Retrieval Practice. but for it to work, you must give up the greed of getting all answers right in one go. The technique aims to 
  • increase efficiency of your reading; 
  • help you exert your brain to improve your working memory; 
  • and finally build long lasting neural connections that you can rely on  during your session ending examinations.
So here we go, questions on pages 75-78:

  1. According to Mendel the discrete units that controlled characters are _________.
  2. Expression of only one of the dissimilar characters in F1 is controlled by Law of__________.
  3. Of the 2 dissimilar alleles present in an organism, only one goes in a gamete. This is due to law of ___________.
  4. Homozygous organisms form ___ type(s) of gametes; while heterozygous form  ___ type(s) of gametes.
  5. Identify the plant & answer the questions below:
  6. Which are the dominant & recessive flower colours in this plant?
  7. What is the significance of pink flowers?
  8. Is it according to Mendel's law? answer Yes/No.
  9. Which types of Biomolecules are responsible for action of genes?
  10. Which type of Biomolecules are responsible for ABO type blood groups?
  11. 'I' is the gene responsible for blood groups. What does I stand for? 
  12. How many forms of I genes (alleles) control blood groups? what is this phenomenon known as?
  13. Based on study of inheritance pattern of Blood Groups we can say that dominance is relative. Justify.
  14. Blood Group AB represents Codominance which is an exception to Law of _________. Can you explain how?
  15. Gene B in pea seeds controls 2 characters. Can you name the 2 characters? Can you name this special phenomenon?

Friday 17 May 2019

PRETEST: Principles of Inheritance & vaiation (Part 1)

Starting with Unit 2.
Here are the pretest questions based on first 8 pages of Chapter 5. In my book (i.e. 2019-20 publication available online) the page numbers are 67-75. In terms of Topic; End of 5.2 (Inheritance of One Gene)
Read the pages carefully; and try to answer the questions. see how many you can answer.
The key points of this portion are already on blog, but I would request you not to refer them, and focus solely on book reading.

1.       Branch of Biology that deals with inheritance & variations _________

2.       ___________ is the basis of heredity.

3.       The major cause of variation is ______________; which has been used by humans for selective breeding.

4.       Experiments conducted by Mendel involved ___________ of true breeding Pea plants, which involved the technique of ___________.

5.       What was the advantage of taking large sampling size in Mendel’s experiment?

6.       Define true breeding lines.

7.       F1 & F2 in crossing stands for ___________ & _________.

8.       The ratios obtained by Mendel in F1 & F2 of monohybrid cross respectively was _________ & ____________.

9.       Factors of Mendel are equivalent to _______, and are units of inheritance required for expression of particular trait.

10.   T & t represent two forms of a __________, known as __________ which control expression of a trait.

11.   TT & Tt produce the same phenotype.

                                             i.            Capital T represents ________, small t represents _______.

                                           ii.            What conclusion was drawn by Mendel on the basis of this?

12.   The type of cell division that occurs during gamete formation is _____. Here only one _______ of a pair is passed in to a gamete.

13.   Graphical representation to calculate the probability of occurrence of different types of Genotypes in a cross is known as ___________.

14.   Self Pollination of a dwarf plant will give tall and dwarf in the ratio _:_.

15.   An organism exhibiting a recessive phenotype for tallness will have the following genotypes _________.; while an organism exhibiting a dominant phenotype for tallness will have the following genotypes _______________.

16.   Test cross is crossing tall (dominant phenotype) plant with ________ plant.

17.   Mendel gave ___ (no.) laws on the basis of monohybrid crosses; they are ___________ & _____________.

18.   _______ flower position & _______ flower colour in pea is dominant.

19.   The two seed related characters chosen by Mendel were ______ & _________.
The total number of true breeding