Thursday 9 April 2020

Life Processes - 5

Class 10
Welcome Back 
We're here to study Life Processes
& This time we start with Human Nutrition

Today we'll cover:

  1. Digestive System - Diagram
  2. Digestion in Mouth
  3. Passage of food through food pipe 
  4. Peristalsis
So here's the Video

Watch the video, understand the concepts & then try to answer the following questions:

1.Which two types of digestion occur in mouth? Does any type of digestion occurs in Oesophagus?
2.What are the three components of saliva? What are their roles?
3.Define Peristalsis?
4.Draw a labelled diagram of Human Digestive System.
5.Name one type of movement performed by your body while you take a nap after lunch.
Enjoy 👍👍

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