Showing posts with label Molecular Basis of Inheritance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Molecular Basis of Inheritance. Show all posts

Thursday 19 September 2019


In continuation with preparation for Board 2020, let's practise some objective questions from Chapter 6,
 Molecular Basis of Inheritance

These questions will also be very useful for NEET preparation.

  1. The ________________ biomolecule is a characteristic feature of an organism.
  2. If the amount of haploid DNA in a human child is 3.3×109bp, the amount of DNA in a normal human adult would be ________________.
  3. The _______________ pyrimidine is present in both m RNA & tRNA but not in DNA.
  4. The N bases are attached to __ C of deoxyribose sugar while the PO4 are present on ____ C.
  5. The __________________________ technique helped Wilkins & Franklin to study the structure of DNA.
  6. The law of complementarity of N bases was given by ______________
  7. Stability of double strand of DNA is due to stacking of bases & ____ bonds.
  8. Central dogma of molecular biology was given by _________________.
  9. The circumference of a sphere is 2.2 m. what would be the number of base pairs of DNA required to encircle the sphere once?
  10. The protein involved in packing of DNA of eukaryotes but absent in DNA of prokaryotes is _____________
  11. The ‘beads’ in “beads on String” structure is made of ____________, which is further made of __________
  12. Euchromatin is active _______________, but heterochromatin is not.

Do not forget to leave comments, queries and doubts. All the Best

Saturday 9 February 2019

Why DNA is preferred Genetic Material

Genetic material should be capable of:
  1. Stability: storing genetic information, chemical & Structural stability
  2. Expression: able to express in from of traits or 'Mendelian Characters'
  3. Replication: Be able to duplicate genetic material accurately
  4. Inheritance: pass on copies of genetic information to next generation 
  5. Evolution: allow production of variations through mutation or recombination
DNA vs RNA as genetic material

Both DNA and RNA have ability to act as genetic material but RNA preferred because:

  1. DNA has Deoxyribose while RNA has Ribose - Chemical stability
  2. Thymine in DNA while Uracil In RNA - Chemical stability
Chemically less reactive
➤Stability proved by Transformation (Griffith's experiment)
  1. DNA double stranded, RNA single stranded - structural stability
  2. Ability to replicate: complementary base pairing in dsDNA allows accurate copying during semiconservative replication 

Both DNA & RNA can express themselves through proteins. In fact protein synthesis cannot occur without RNA.
Ability to undergo mutation: both DNA & RNA able to mutate. In fact RNA mutates faster than DNA.

RNA being more reactive, and DNA being more stable; DNA was preferred over RNA as genetic material.

Now having read the topic try answering these questions:
  1. Why is RNA more suitable in a catalytic role?
  2. It is difficult to develop vaccines against RNA viruses s/a Rhinovirus (common cold Virus) or HIV?  
  3. Justify, RNA is better suited for transmission of genetic information.

Thursday 7 February 2019




Topics for Board 2019

1.       Structure of Nucleosomes

3.       Hershey Chase Experiment

4.       Replication: key points

5.       Meselson & Stahl Experiment

6.       Transcription Unit (diagram & Key Points)

7.       Transcription: Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

8.       Translation: Key Points

9.       Regulation of gene expression: Lac operon

10.   DNA Fingerprinting

11.   Human genome Project

1. Nucleosomes

Key Features: 

  • DNA (200 bp) + Histone Octamer →  Nucleosomes + H1 histone → Chromatin
  • Histone: positively charged Protein (rich in Lysine & arginine)
  • Histone octamer made of 8 subunits
  • Chromatin packed with help of NHC (non-histone chromosomal proteins) - SCAFFOLDING