Saturday 9 February 2019

Why DNA is preferred Genetic Material

Genetic material should be capable of:
  1. Stability: storing genetic information, chemical & Structural stability
  2. Expression: able to express in from of traits or 'Mendelian Characters'
  3. Replication: Be able to duplicate genetic material accurately
  4. Inheritance: pass on copies of genetic information to next generation 
  5. Evolution: allow production of variations through mutation or recombination
DNA vs RNA as genetic material

Both DNA and RNA have ability to act as genetic material but RNA preferred because:

  1. DNA has Deoxyribose while RNA has Ribose - Chemical stability
  2. Thymine in DNA while Uracil In RNA - Chemical stability
Chemically less reactive
➤Stability proved by Transformation (Griffith's experiment)
  1. DNA double stranded, RNA single stranded - structural stability
  2. Ability to replicate: complementary base pairing in dsDNA allows accurate copying during semiconservative replication 

Both DNA & RNA can express themselves through proteins. In fact protein synthesis cannot occur without RNA.
Ability to undergo mutation: both DNA & RNA able to mutate. In fact RNA mutates faster than DNA.

RNA being more reactive, and DNA being more stable; DNA was preferred over RNA as genetic material.

Now having read the topic try answering these questions:
  1. Why is RNA more suitable in a catalytic role?
  2. It is difficult to develop vaccines against RNA viruses s/a Rhinovirus (common cold Virus) or HIV?  
  3. Justify, RNA is better suited for transmission of genetic information.

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