Showing posts with label pretest inheritance Class 12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pretest inheritance Class 12. Show all posts

Friday 17 May 2019

PRETEST: Principles of Inheritance & vaiation (Part 1)

Starting with Unit 2.
Here are the pretest questions based on first 8 pages of Chapter 5. In my book (i.e. 2019-20 publication available online) the page numbers are 67-75. In terms of Topic; End of 5.2 (Inheritance of One Gene)
Read the pages carefully; and try to answer the questions. see how many you can answer.
The key points of this portion are already on blog, but I would request you not to refer them, and focus solely on book reading.

1.       Branch of Biology that deals with inheritance & variations _________

2.       ___________ is the basis of heredity.

3.       The major cause of variation is ______________; which has been used by humans for selective breeding.

4.       Experiments conducted by Mendel involved ___________ of true breeding Pea plants, which involved the technique of ___________.

5.       What was the advantage of taking large sampling size in Mendel’s experiment?

6.       Define true breeding lines.

7.       F1 & F2 in crossing stands for ___________ & _________.

8.       The ratios obtained by Mendel in F1 & F2 of monohybrid cross respectively was _________ & ____________.

9.       Factors of Mendel are equivalent to _______, and are units of inheritance required for expression of particular trait.

10.   T & t represent two forms of a __________, known as __________ which control expression of a trait.

11.   TT & Tt produce the same phenotype.

                                             i.            Capital T represents ________, small t represents _______.

                                           ii.            What conclusion was drawn by Mendel on the basis of this?

12.   The type of cell division that occurs during gamete formation is _____. Here only one _______ of a pair is passed in to a gamete.

13.   Graphical representation to calculate the probability of occurrence of different types of Genotypes in a cross is known as ___________.

14.   Self Pollination of a dwarf plant will give tall and dwarf in the ratio _:_.

15.   An organism exhibiting a recessive phenotype for tallness will have the following genotypes _________.; while an organism exhibiting a dominant phenotype for tallness will have the following genotypes _______________.

16.   Test cross is crossing tall (dominant phenotype) plant with ________ plant.

17.   Mendel gave ___ (no.) laws on the basis of monohybrid crosses; they are ___________ & _____________.

18.   _______ flower position & _______ flower colour in pea is dominant.

19.   The two seed related characters chosen by Mendel were ______ & _________.
The total number of true breeding