Showing posts with label AISSCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AISSCE. Show all posts

Thursday 21 February 2019




  1. Palindromes with e.g. & diagram
  2. Endonuclease vs. exonuclease
  3. Restriction endonucleases, nomenclature
  4. Cloning vectors, characteristics & diagram
  5. Isolation of DNA, Enzymes
  6. Gel Electrophoresis, Principle, Technique
  7. Modes of Transformation (Ti, Competence, Microinjection, Gene Gun)
  8. PCR
  9. Types of Bioreactors, Downstream Processing
  10. Selection (Antibiotic: Replica Plating; Insertional Inactivation)
  11. Bt, cry
  12. Insulin Production
  13. RNA interference, ADA deficiency
  14. Bioethics, Biopatents
  15. GEAC

Saturday 9 February 2019

Key Points: Chapter 1 Reproduction In Organisms



         Chapter 1:  Reproduction In Organisms




Life Span: Period frm birth to natural death
Why unicellular org immortal?
Life span not related to size (e.g. mango – short; peepal – long)

Reproduction significance: Continuity of species
Sexual vs asexual rep
Factors on which mode of reproduction depends: habitat, internal physiology etc.
Y asexual rep progeny k/a clones?
Cell div mode of rep in unicellular org.

In favourable condition - Binary fission: In amoeba & paramecium (two equal halves)
In Unfav conditions: Encystation & Sporulation (formation of minute Amoeba or Pseudopodiospores)

Budding: yeast (2 unequal halves)
Asexual vs vegetative
What are veg. Propagules?
In Fungi & Algae: Asexual rep through spores:
Zoospores – motile; zygospores – non motile
Conidia – in Penicillium; Gemmules – in Sponges
Fragmentation – Hydra

Water Hyacinth (terror of Bengal), high rate of veg propagation.

Veg propagules: Potato: Buds (eyes), Banana & Ginger: Rhizome;  Bryophyllum: Adventitious buds on leaf margins…… Key feature: NODE

In simple org: asexual rep in fav conditions; sexual in unfav (provides variations, enables protection by hard seed coat)
In higher org: sexual rep common, asex rare. In animals only sexual

Sexual Rep: Elaborate, Complex & Slow. Offspring not identical to parents
Veg, rep & senescent phase in annual, biennial & Perennials
Common pattern of sexual rep:
  • Complete juvenile/vegetative (in plants) phase
  • Beginning of rep phase (flowering in plants)
  • senescent phase
Length of the 3 phases variable in different organisms
Hormones responsible for transition between 3 phases.
Unique: Bamboo perennial but flowering once in lifetime
Strobilanthus kunthiana once in 12 yrs.
Seasonal Breeders vs Continuous breeders.
Animals: e.g. birds seasonal breeders in nature (in captivity; exploited)
Placental Mammals: Cyclical changes in ovaries & Hormones
Non primate mammals: Oestrous Cycle
Primate mammals: Menstrual cycle
Events: Pre-fertilization, Fertilization & Post fertilization

Gametogenesis: Male & Female, haploid, may be homogametes (isogametes) or heterogametes.
Male: antherozoid or sperm; female: egg or ovum

Sexuality in plants: Unisexual/Dioecious/Heterothallic e.g. papaya, date palm
OR Bisexual/Monoecious/Homothallic
Male: staminate; Female: Pistillate
If make and female flower on different plants: dioecious
If male & female flower on same plant: Monoecious

Sexuality in animals:
Bisexual (Hermaphrodite): Earthworm, Sponges, tapeworm & leech
Unisexual: Rest

Gamete Formation: Haploid