Showing posts with label #Human Nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Human Nutrition. Show all posts

Sunday 19 April 2020

Life Processes: Human Nutrition (Part II)

Hi Guys

We were left with few parts of human digestive system, specifically:

  1. Stomach
  2. Small Intestine
  3. Large Intestine
And then the processes of absorption via Villi

and a little bit about of Liver & Pancreas

So here we're covering these.

With this we finish the Human Digestive system and all aspects of Nutrition.

Next We'll be starting with respiration.

But for now as usual, we've few questions to solve and few assignments to complete. so watch carefully.
Good Luck

Thursday 9 April 2020

Life Processes - 5

Class 10
Welcome Back 
We're here to study Life Processes
& This time we start with Human Nutrition

Today we'll cover:

  1. Digestive System - Diagram
  2. Digestion in Mouth
  3. Passage of food through food pipe 
  4. Peristalsis
So here's the Video

Watch the video, understand the concepts & then try to answer the following questions:

1.Which two types of digestion occur in mouth? Does any type of digestion occurs in Oesophagus?
2.What are the three components of saliva? What are their roles?
3.Define Peristalsis?
4.Draw a labelled diagram of Human Digestive System.
5.Name one type of movement performed by your body while you take a nap after lunch.
Enjoy 👍👍