Showing posts with label applications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label applications. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Biotechnology & Its Applications: Key points



 Name: ________________________________________
Class:  ______________________     Topic:  BIOTECHNOLOGY & ITS APPLICATIONS
Date:   _______/ _____/ ________                                         
Period ______                  




  1. Bt: Bacillus thuringiensis

Bacillus thuringiensis produces a protein that kills certain insects: lepidopterans (tobacco budworm, army worm), coleopterans (beetles), dipterans (flies, mosquito)

Bacillus thuringiensis form protein crystals that are insecticidal

In Bacillus – present as inactive protein – protoxin

Inside insect gut, at alkaline pH, gets converted to active toxin

Active toxin binds to surface of epithelial lining of insect gut, forms pores, causes swelling, cells lysis, death of insect.

Genes for Bt toxin cry – 3 types:
Cry IAc & cry II Ab for cotton bollworms
Cry I Ab for corn borer

The gene introduced in cotton using Ti plasmid

  1. RNA interference: production of pest resistant plants – against nematodes

Meloidegyne incognita (Nematode) infects roots of tobacco & damages plants

RNA interference – not allowing expression of mRNA by creating a dsRNA

dsRNA can be made by making a complementary strand of RNA, which binds to mRNA – RNA silencing
What are transposons?
Genes that are able to chang their position, replicate through RNA intermediate
In our body it occurs as a method of cellular defense – introduced by infecting viruses or transposons (jumping genes)

To control nematodes infection – nematode genes introduced in tobacco (host)

Host makes both sense antisense RNA for these genes

The 2 RNAs being complementary bind to nematode RNA & do not allow it to express – silencing

Nematode not able to survive in host


  1. Genetically engineered Insulin – humulin

Structure of Insulin: Proinsulin – 3 peptides (A, B, C)

In mature Insulin: C removed. A & B remain
Company: Eli Lily
Technque: E. coli populations
1 with gene for A peptide
2 with gene for B peptide
separately formed A& B
isolated and joined together by disulfide bridges in vitro


Adenosine Deaminase deficiency (ADA deficiency)

ADA enzyme – for immune system

Disease due to defective Gene for Adenosine deaminase (ADA)

Problem: Lmphocyte not able to fight diseases (defective)

  1. Bone marrow transplantation – not very successful. Possible in small children
  2. Enzyme replacement therapy –
lymphocyte from blood isolated                   cDNA containing unction ADA gene inserted (using retrovirus vector)                 functional lymphocyte returned to blood
Problem: Lymphocyte die. So need to be replaced periodically

Permanent cure: Genetic engineering of bone marrow cells (that form lymphocyte)

  1. Molecular Diagnosis

ELISA : enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
Based on antigen antibody interaction

PCR: can detect very low amount of DNA
a-1-antitrypsin: used to cure emphysema
Also cure for phenyl ketonuria & Cystic fibrosis
Transgnic Cow (Rosie) protein rich milk (2.4gm/l); human alpha lactalbumin enriched
Transgenic Animals: Advantages
  1. Study of normal physiology & development
  2. Study of disease
  3. Production of Biological products
  4. Vaccine safety testing
  5. Chemical safety testing
What is Biopiracy?
GEAC: Genetic Engineering Approval Committee: Indian committee for check on Genetic research
Indian patents Bill
Attempts at Biopiracy: Basmati Rice, Neem, Turmeric
SUMMARY:  Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.