Saturday 9 February 2019

Key Points: Chapter 1 Reproduction In Organisms



         Chapter 1:  Reproduction In Organisms




Life Span: Period frm birth to natural death
Why unicellular org immortal?
Life span not related to size (e.g. mango – short; peepal – long)

Reproduction significance: Continuity of species
Sexual vs asexual rep
Factors on which mode of reproduction depends: habitat, internal physiology etc.
Y asexual rep progeny k/a clones?
Cell div mode of rep in unicellular org.

In favourable condition - Binary fission: In amoeba & paramecium (two equal halves)
In Unfav conditions: Encystation & Sporulation (formation of minute Amoeba or Pseudopodiospores)

Budding: yeast (2 unequal halves)
Asexual vs vegetative
What are veg. Propagules?
In Fungi & Algae: Asexual rep through spores:
Zoospores – motile; zygospores – non motile
Conidia – in Penicillium; Gemmules – in Sponges
Fragmentation – Hydra

Water Hyacinth (terror of Bengal), high rate of veg propagation.

Veg propagules: Potato: Buds (eyes), Banana & Ginger: Rhizome;  Bryophyllum: Adventitious buds on leaf margins…… Key feature: NODE

In simple org: asexual rep in fav conditions; sexual in unfav (provides variations, enables protection by hard seed coat)
In higher org: sexual rep common, asex rare. In animals only sexual

Sexual Rep: Elaborate, Complex & Slow. Offspring not identical to parents
Veg, rep & senescent phase in annual, biennial & Perennials
Common pattern of sexual rep:
  • Complete juvenile/vegetative (in plants) phase
  • Beginning of rep phase (flowering in plants)
  • senescent phase
Length of the 3 phases variable in different organisms
Hormones responsible for transition between 3 phases.
Unique: Bamboo perennial but flowering once in lifetime
Strobilanthus kunthiana once in 12 yrs.
Seasonal Breeders vs Continuous breeders.
Animals: e.g. birds seasonal breeders in nature (in captivity; exploited)
Placental Mammals: Cyclical changes in ovaries & Hormones
Non primate mammals: Oestrous Cycle
Primate mammals: Menstrual cycle
Events: Pre-fertilization, Fertilization & Post fertilization

Gametogenesis: Male & Female, haploid, may be homogametes (isogametes) or heterogametes.
Male: antherozoid or sperm; female: egg or ovum

Sexuality in plants: Unisexual/Dioecious/Heterothallic e.g. papaya, date palm
OR Bisexual/Monoecious/Homothallic
Male: staminate; Female: Pistillate
If make and female flower on different plants: dioecious
If male & female flower on same plant: Monoecious

Sexuality in animals:
Bisexual (Hermaphrodite): Earthworm, Sponges, tapeworm & leech
Unisexual: Rest

Gamete Formation: Haploid

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