Saturday 9 February 2019

Key Points Evolution: Darwin's Theory & Evidences (Part 2)

Evolution of Life:
Charles Darwin: ship – HMS Beagle
Location: Galapagos;  Animal: Finches

Theory of Natural Selection: Mechanism of Evolution
1.       Population if unchecked increases exponentially
2.       Resources are limited leading to struggle
3.       Population has built in variations in characteristics
4.       Characters which help an individual to survive better in natural conditions are favoured
5.       This leads to survival of the fittest.
‘Fit’ / ‘Fitness’ by Drawin refers only to Reproductive fitness

Similar conclusions given by Wallace, work at Malay Archipelago.

Evidences of Evolution:
1.       Fossils/Paleontological Evidence
2.       Comparative Anatomy & Morphology
3.       Embryology
4.       Molecular Evidences

Fossil: hard parts of life forms found in rocks.
Age estimated by C dating

Comparative Anatomy:
Similar structures developed along different lines due to different needs of the organism (adaptations) – Divergent Evolution.
Structures k/a Homologous
Homology indicates common ancestry
e.g. forelimbs of mammals (bats, whales, humans – all have humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals & phalanges)
Vertebrate Heart/Brains
Thorn & Tendril of Bougainvillea & Cucurbita

Different Structures evolving for similar functions, hence appear similar – convergent evolution
Structures k/a analogous
e.g. eye of octopus & mammals
flippers of Penguins & Dolphins
sweet potato root & Potato Stem

Embryological Evidences:
Biogenetic Law: Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny
Given by Haeckel
Ontogeny – development of embryo
Phylogeny: development of race / evolution
Thus during embryo stages of all vertebrates, embryos of fish are seen
In plants: Protonema of ferns & Moss similar to Algae
Primitive Gymnosperms have flagellated sperms like Pteridophytes
Leaves in seedlings of Acacia are similar, while in adults – compound

Molecular  Evidences: Biochemical Similarity
Similarity in amino acids, nucleic acids, Common Genetic Code
Only 1.8% difference in DNA of Humans & Chimpanzee
Amino acids sequence of Cytochrome C – identical in them.

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