Thursday 17 October 2019

Practice Paper: class XII

Lesson Covered:

Strategies for Improvement in Food Production
Microbes in Human Welfare
Biotechnology: Principles & Applications

Time: 1 ½ hour                                                                                                                       MM 40
Q 1-5 (1 mark), 6-10 (2 marks), 11-15 (3 marks), 16-17(5 marks)
1.       Name the first transgenic cow developed and state the improvement in the quality of the product produced by it.
2.       Name the vector used for transferring nematode specific gene in tobacco plant.
3.       What is SCP? Name the organism used for production of SCP.
4.       A resistant variety of Abelmoschus esculentus show resistance against a virus. Name the virus and plant variety.
5.       “A person is suffering with high blood cholesterol.” Which kind of bioactive molecule you will suggest to reduce his cholesterol level?
6.       A banana herb is virus infected. Name the method that will help in obtaining healthy banana plants from this diseases plant.
7.       Name the insect pest killed by the product of cryIAb gene. Explain how this gene makes the plant resistant to the insect pest.
8.       What is activated sludge? Where is it produced? Why is it named so?
9.       What is inbreeding depression. How can it be overcome?
10.   How are sugarcane varieties with high yield, thick stem, high sugar formed that can be grown in North India?
11.   Explain the term MOET. Which hormone is used for this method. Give the key steps of MOET.
12.   What are palindromes? Where are they used?
13.   What was Cohen & Boyer’s contribution to field of Biotechnology? Show diagrammatically.
14.   What is PCR? Where is it used. Represent the key steps diagrammatically.
15.   Draw a well labelled diagram of a cloning vector showing:
Ori, rop, atleast two restriction sites & 2 antibiotic markers. Give function of each.
16.   (a)Write any one drawback of selection of recombinant due to inactivation of antibiotic. Explain how recombinants and non-recombinants are differentiated on the basis of colour production in the presence of a chromogenic substrate?
     (b)Explain why DNA is not able to pass through cell membrane? Which methods are available to make the plant cell competent to take up DNA from surrounding medium?
17.   Given below is the   sketch of one method used to separate DNA fragments:
(a) Give the term caption for above diagram.
(b) At which end would be loaded the samples and why?
(c) Analyse the reason for different positions taken up by the DNA bands.
(d)Elaborate the step he would have followed to visualize DNA bands.
(e) Name the gel used in this technique.

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