Thursday 17 October 2019


Sequel to previous post.
marking scheme/value points for the sample paper uploaded earlier:

Q.1   A. Lysosome, B. Golgi Complex, C. Plastid / Mitochondria (any 2) ½×1
Q.2  Exosmosis                                                                                            1
Q.3  Conduction & Xylem                                                                           ½×1
Q.4  Striated/Skeletal Muscle                                                                    1
Q.5  In AIDS patients immune system is not working or weakened.    1
Q.6  Mycelium, Large number of spores                                                   ½×1
Q.7  A. Symptoms, b. acute & chronic, c. bacteria, infectious & defieicency ½×6
Q.8  Fungi, to kill bacteria
Q.9  A. Fungi (heterotrophic, cell wall chitin), Plantae (autotrophic, cell wall cytoplasm)              1×3
B. Monocot (single cotyledon, fibrous root, parallel venation), dicot ( 2 cotyledons, tap root, reticulate venation) – any 2           
C. Porifera (cell level of organisation, non motile), Coelentrata (tissue level of organisation, motile)
D. Piesces (aquatic, streamlined body, fins, gills), amphibians (both terrestrial & aquatic, not streamlined body, legs, lungs as well as gills) – any 2
Whittaker’s 5 kingdom classification                                                                                                       3
Q.10                      3 differences between Prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells & diagram of both.                       5
Parenchyma, Collenchyma & Sclerenchyma (2 differences & diagram)
Q.11                      Glycerine – to prevent from drying; Safranin – to stain                                                    1+1
Q.12                      Cockroach (jointed legs, segmented body, chitinous exoskeleton) – (any 2)    1+2

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